Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Pixel Touch In Cute Bedroom By Cristian Zuzunaga

Bedroom is the place where you can explore all your imagination. maybe it can be said that your bedroom is your kingdom. you can express what you feel there. that is why everything inside your room can represent you. You can choose the cabinet for you room as your character. it is also be the reason for bedroom furniture manufacturing to create cute and unique stuffs. Because, they know, every person has different idea to decor their room. One of them is this bed. it is suitable for people who like art. the color and the motif is unusual.

The name of this bed is pixilated bed. it is created in one set with some tiny pillows. the bed and the pillows have digitalize look. so, you can add the digitalize look in your bedroom by placed all pillows around the bedroom. it will add the digitalized appearance in your room. the designer is Cristian Zuzunaga. he created this stuff using material such as Horse hair, wool, and cotton. having this bed in your room will add the unique and freshness of your room.

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